Tag Archives: Events

What’s Happening at The Alliance’s NatCon15?

The Alliance’s 2015 National Convention is less than three weeks away and excitement is in the air. The Convention will take place from January 22 – 25 at the Raleigh Convention Center in Raleigh, North Carolina. Many people are thinking about New Year’s resolutions, but we have the same goals each year: Think bigger and do better than the year before. NatCon15 is huge part of kicking off the New Year right, so our staff members are doing all they can to make this event even better than the rest.

Our speakers are top agents and experts in various aspects of the business, so you’ll come home with plenty of knowledge and training. In addition to selling and recruiting gurus, we’ll also have speakers who can help you achieve success in all aspects of your life.National Agents Alliance Convention 2015

Our keynote speaker, Bishop Trevor Manhanga has helped mediate and create peace during some of the most turbulent times in Zimbabwe. He has overcome great obstacles to spread the gospel, bring peace to troubled areas of Africa, spread awareness of AIDs and HIV and fight for human rights and democracy. Andy Albright decided to bring Bishop Trevor into the U.S. all the way from Africa so that he could speak to members of The Alliance on how to overcome difficulties in life to grow and succeed.

And if you’re interested in learning more about a specific topic, like Lead Tips and Tricks, Leadership Team Building or even How to be a Better Spouse, you can sign up for breakout sessions! Breakout sessions are seminars that last 50 minutes to an hour and there are more than 20 different sessions to choose from! You can also use the breakout session time slots to meet and greet vendors or other agents in the main convention areas.

In addition to seeing speakers on stage and in breakout sessions, you can hang out with them at meal times if you purchase the All-Inclusive Upgraded Ticket. You can even stay in the same hotels as the top leaders: the Sheraton Raleigh Hotel or the Raleigh Marriott City Center!

All of that is just the beginning, and although there is so much more we could tell you, it’s better if you just come! If you haven’t purchased your ticket or signed up for breakout sessions, visit www.allianceeventures.com today before we sell out!

War Parties and NatCon14 with National Agents Alliance

The Alliance has big things coming up for December and January! There are two big events that NAA agents need to be aware of: December War Parties and National Convention 2014. If you’re committed to the Alliance, you need to be at both of these events!

The December War Parties will be held in 21 cities across the country beginning December 9th and wrapping up on December 11th, 2013. Our top agents will be traveling to a city near you to offer top notch training and motivation to keep you fired up and earning more money! The best part is – it’s FREE! Click here to see who will be training in each city. To find out more specific times and location of the war party nearest you, visit www.naahotspots.com.

One of National Agents Alliance’s biggest events, NatCon 2014 will be taking place from Friday, January 10th to Sunday, January 12th, 2014 in at the Charlotte Convention Center in Charlotte, NC.  Andy and Jane Albright will be there a long with Gina Hawks, Coach, Barry Clarkson, the Goad family, and all of the top agents. There’s also a special keynote speaker, but we won’t reveal the name yet! The base ticket costs $179 and the All-Inclusive Meal Ticket is $399. You can also sign up for the Introduction to Lead Certification Class on Thursday, January 9th for $29! You can also get an NAA special group rate at 10 different Charlotte hotels. But hurry, tickets and hotels rooms will be going fast! Visit www.allianceeventures.com to purchase your ticket, see hotel rates, itinerary, and dress code.

Don’t forget – watch The Wednesday Call every Wednesday at 12:30 p.m. EST, get on the product call Thursdays at 1 p.m. EST, and the NAActivity Call with Barry Clarkson Fridays at 10 a.m. EST. Now is the time to get your ship together!

National Agents Alliance NatCon 2012 – Be There!

Imagine a place you could find inspiration for your work.  Truly powerful statements coming from those that have been there, and not merely words of encouragement, but actual and tangible knowledge presented in a way that motivates and energizes you.  On top of that, this environment would offer some actual time with these individuals that will stimulate your personal growth and development in addition to giving you such extraordinary knowledge.  Perhaps it’s not just a simple place to get these things either, but an environment that is also exciting and fun, with music and multimedia to invigorate your mind in addition to strengthening its business expertise.  Even better, your peers can be there with you to also partake in this place, to absorb and discuss it all with you, generating more questions, ideas, and enjoyment to partake in.

What you have just imagined actually happens at National Agents Alliance National Convention!  This is a truly amazing event that can be an incredibly powerful tool for not only your business development, but also your personal growth.  Speakers at this event will give you information on both, they will motivate and energize you, show you that you can achieve the goals you set, and will do so with vivacity!  Fellow agents, managers, and top players for National Agents Alliance will all be there and ready to discuss everything and anything to empower you to accomplish, or even exceed, your goals.

Things are done in a fun and exciting environment, so not only will you hear a lot of valuable information, but you’ll also retain and actually enjoy learning it!  Applying these concepts to your business, self, and life in general will increase your potential dramatically and empower you to get results wherever you want them.  The National Convention is truly a powerful tool that you should make use of and explore to its fullest!

If you haven’t been considering attending, you should!  It’s coming up fast (January 26th-29th, 2012) so explore the National Agents Alliance National Convention site for some more details, and be sure to check out what other agents have said about their experiences!

Click here to see more awesome footage from past events!

Attending Events with National Agents Alliance

The best way to learn this business is by attending a seminar or boot camp held by one of our successful Agency Managers. National Agents Alliance provides many opportunities to attend meetings. NAA has rotational meetings, Fall Forwards, Spring Forwards and events annually.

In addition to the incredible information being shared, you also have the opportunity to network with other success-minded people in your industry.

If you don’t attend seminars or boot camps because “you can’t afford it” – you’re making a huge financial mistake! National Agents Alliance offers payment plans and our big events last 3 days – it’s the best possible investment you will ever make in yourself or your business with NAA.

The benefits out-weigh the slight cost and the experience will last a lifetime. If you haven’t signed up for our 2012 National Convention now is the time to start thinking and start DOING!!!

To catch a sneak peak about 2012 National Convention in January check out the video below!

Click here to see more awesome footage from past events!