Tag Archives: Commitment


ExcellentIn our world at National Agents Alliance, there is a big separation between the superstars and the everyday players.

It’s amazing that every single agent plays on the same field but the game looks completely different.  We have agents earning six and seven-figure incomes and we have agents just making ends meet.  They have the exact same products to sell, they work with the exact same carriers, they receive the exact same training, they work with the exact same quality leads.

In other words, every agent has the exact same opportunity, but the results are different.  Our top producers, our rock stars, have something special about them, but it’s not something everyone can’t have.  They weren’t born a superstar.

Being world-class isn’t about who your parents are, or how tall you are, your education or even your looks.  It has everything to do with the decisions you make on a daily basis.  Do you make commitments and stick to them?  Do you take action on your goals?  Are you persistent, even when the going gets tough?

Our leaders strive for excellence in everything they do.  They don’t do anything half way.  They are all in, 100%.  They push for excellence with the unshakable belief and understanding that excellence matters.  They practice attention to detail, and because they do, they accomplish more in less time.  Their focus goes into Income Producing Activities (IPA’s), not mundane, time wasters.

Excellence doesn’t occur by accident either.  The top agents operate with the single purpose of achieving excellence in everything they do, and their results produce the proof.  But successes don’t get them to slow down; they keep striving, they keep pushing.  They know what works and they keep doing it.  Excellence is a habit and it requires a price to be paid.  They’ve done it, and they continue to pay.

Why don’t you learn from the stars?  Do what they do.  Make the commitment to play the game the way the winners do.  It’s ok to be a copy-cat as long as you copy the right cat!  Make a decision today!